Article 21. What we need to do to free ourselves from the collective fate that has come in the form of the Corona Virus

The following lesson from the Sage that speaks through the I Ching, shows how we can either prevent our getting the Corona Virus, or free ourselves from its grip, should we have already contracted it. 

   The Sage informs us that the Corona Virus is an adverse fate that affects many of us. Our first task, therefore, is to gain a correct understanding of Fate. This is imperative if we want to be freed of it. To answer this question the Sage pointed to Hexagram 34, Using Power, making it clear that this is a collective fate caused by the human use of power

The first misunderstanding the Sage wants to clear up is the idea that Fate is the action of a "higher power." We are counseled to hold back from thinking in those terms. The I Ching, in Hexagram 34, Using Power, makes it clear that the Cosmos does NOT work through "power." The human use of power creates a fate because it contradicts the Cosmic Principles of Harmony and the Principles of Nature. 

Fate is itself a Cosmic Principle of Harmony. Its function is to ensure the continuation of the harmonious order of the Cosmos. Fate, therefore, has the following purposes: (1) to compensate for the damage done to the Cosmic Whole by any use of power on the part of humans; (2) to bring us (literally) back from being up in the air in our thinking, to back on the ground; (3) Fate serves to make us aware of the negative consequences of our mistaken ideas and beliefs, and (4) it serves the purpose of reducing us to an attitude of openness and humility that will help us shake loose the hold of the ego. The severity of a fate corresponds to the degree needed to wake us up; that is to say, its force depends upon the degree of our rigidity, and the strength of our attachment to false ideas and beliefs.

Fate comes to an end when it has fulfilled its purposes. The end can occur in different ways: (1) by bringing us to the state of burnout, in which we see how our mistaken ideas have led to a dead-end; (2) when we have, of our own accord, sought the causes of the fate and rid ourselves of them with Cosmic help, or (3) when the fate has run its full course of time, like a prison sentence. In this latter case, we may not have corrected our viewpoint, but we have experienced the heavy consequences of our mistaken views. 

Hexagram 34, Line 4. Being firmly correct brings good fortune. Remorse disappears. The hedge opens; there is no entanglement. Strength (movement) depends upon the axles of a big cart.

This line describes the conditions under which we can get disentangled from a fate. Our disentanglement depends entirely on our consciously recognizing that we need Cosmic help

The text of Line 4 speaks of "strength (movement/energy) that depends upon the axles of a big cart." Here, the cart represents the Cosmic Reality with all the Helpers of the invisible world ready to do their tasks through transformation. The axles, upon which the cart depends to create the Evolution of the whole, represent the Cosmic Principles of Harmony and the Principles of Nature that complement each other, the one applying to the sphere of the invisible Cosmic Consciousness, the other to the world of form (Nature). The harmonious attraction between them creates the energy that has falsely been called “power.” The line is stating that if we will free ourselves from the idea that the Cosmos and Nature work through power, we will attract the Cosmic Helpers to the task of freeing us from our fate. Then, all cause for remorse disappears.

The words, “being firmly correct” counsel us to depend on what is truly dependable: the Cosmic Principles of Harmony complemented by the Principles of Nature. 

In order to engage Cosmic help to end a fate we also need to recognize what has caused it. All causes for fates have in common that they are based on the fundamental mistaken idea that "power," in one form or another, is the way things work. Even the idea of being "powerless" is based on that idea. (In our book "I Ching, the Oracle of the Cosmic Way," we have listed the kinds of incorrect thoughts, speech, and actions that are related to the word "power.") 

We also need to know the kind of mistaken ideas and beliefs (listed below) that prevent fates from ending, even after they have run their full course:

·     "Fate is predestined, or written in the stars." 

·     “There is nothing you can do when a fate occurs.”

·     "Fate is thrust upon humans by a higher power."

·     "Fate is God's punishment."

·     "We must accept our fate."

·     "We need to fight a fate."

·     "We can make deals with Fate."

·     "We can disregard the limits set by the laws of physics."

·     "Humans are meant to overcome the limits set by the laws of physics."

The Sage, when asked about the specific causes of the Corona Virus, pointed to the arrogant idea that 'humans are above the other animals because they have the gifts of thinking and verbal language.' That mistaken idea, in turn, has led to the mistreatment of animals and to denigrating slanders put on our human animal nature, such as the following:

— "Our nature is divided into a higher/good nature and a lower/evil animal nature."

— "Our mind is part of our higher nature, and to be valued; the body is ‘our lower animal nature’ that at times must be sacrificed to the greater public good.”

— "We need to develop our higher nature and conquer/overcome/control our lower nature."

The above mistaken ideas and beliefs have created life-threatening consequences for the entire animal kingdom, of which we humans are a part. The Sage informs us that these and other mistaken ideas and beliefs have, for millennia, created viruses of all kinds. Every one of them has been a messenger of Fate. What we are now dealing with in the Corona Virus is that it attacks our breathing — the source of our connection with Nature on which we depend to stay alive!

When we realize that there is a direct relationship between this virus and the human thinking that (1) feeds on the vanity of the mind, (2) that constantly slanders the dignity of the other animals, and (3) that denies that the Cosmos is a harmonious order that does not use "power," we may be ready to correct our thinking. To receive the help from the Cosmos we need to successfully carry this out, and we need to have a sincere desire to return to the harmonious order of the Cosmos. 

For those of us who have identified with the above-mentioned mistaken ideas and beliefs, the time has come to free our psyche from their destructive nature. In order to do this, we need to deny their validity by inwardly saying, "No, No, No" to each false idea and/or belief that applies to us. We further need to add the mistaken idea that underlies them all: "The universe works through power." We then ask the Cosmic Helper that Ends Fates to free us from these mistaken ideas and beliefs. This is a one-time deprogramming procedure. 

(Note: If you feel that your inner "No" has been disabled, you need to ask the Sage to say it on our behalf.) 

If you are taking medical drugs against the virus, it will be helpful to ask the Cosmic Doctor  to give them its support. Furthermore you need to ask the Helpers of Self-Healing of Your Genes to free you from all the "followers" of the virus. What do we mean by "followers"? The I Ching speaks of the "ringleaders of disorder" and their "followers" in the Hexagrams 11 and 30. The Corona Virus is such a "ringleader of disorder." Among the "followers" in this case are demonic elements and demonic mechanisms that injure our genes. We do not need to identify these "followers" in any detail. The Helpers of Self-Healing of Our Genes free us from them and repair any damage they have done to our genes. You will need to make the request to the Cosmic Doctor and to the Helpers of Self-Healing of Your Genes once per day as long as indicated by the Sage.