Article 23. Getting vaccinated or not

A year has passed since I posted an article on this blog called: "What we need to do to free ourselves from the collective fate that has come in the form of the Corona Virus." (See Article 21)

   Now, the time has come to share a new lesson the Sage has given me on the subject. (The quotes are taken from our book "I Ching, The Oracle of the Cosmic Way.")

   The lesson is also intended for people who have already been vaccinated. They can still do the same exercises described below.

   The lesson began by my being made aware of the danger that lies in our using the name "Corona Virus."

   Why is the use of that name dangerous? All names that do not express the essence of a thing cause our mind to attach itself to that false name. More specifically, it is an attachment the ego uses for its purposes by creating ego-emotions, which it stores in our heart, such as fears, hopes, anxiety, anger, despair, and blame put on other people, or on the Cosmos. From our heart they circulate back to our mind causing it to attach itself all the more to what is false. Obviously, what is needed is that we become detached first from the false name and the image connected with it, including all images of suffering! In detaching ourselves from them we deprive them of the means that had allowed them to "own" us. The salient point is to create an enduring separation between ourselves and that which is "not us." To create this separation requires that we deprogram the name "Corona Virus," the false image connected with it, and all images of suffering. (See the instructions at the end of this lesson.)

The Sage agrees that we simply refer to it as the "virus." 

I was then given Hexagram 30. Attaining Clarity. Lines 1, 3, 4, and 6

"The Judgment: Firm attachment to what is correct brings success.” 

“Attachment to anything but our inner truth produces the fear of losing that thing. The fear then makes us attach all the more to it. "

Comment: It is interesting to notice the emphasis on the issue of "attachment." Once again, the Sage wants to draw our attention to the fact that the only thing we are meant to be attached to is our Inner Truth. 

The fear of infection creates an attachment to the vaccine, in the sense of a false dependency

"The Sage shows the theme of this hexagram to be the Cosmic Principle of Clarity as a characteristic feature of Cosmic Logic. Like all Cosmic Principles that form harmony, clarity and Cosmic Logic are attained through a combination of thinking and feeling. They cannot be attained through mental effort alone. Clarity is attained through connecting with our inner truth, with the help of the Sage. The Cosmic Logic within a situation is mostly perceptible after the fact."

Comment: In order to attain the necessary clarity, i.e., understand the Cosmic Logic about how to relate to the virus we need to detach from calling it by a false name and holding an image up to our inner eyes that represents its outer, scary appearance. The correct image of the virus would show us what has caused it, in other words, it would show us its inner truth. That inner truth was revealed by the Sage in the lesson posted on "Our Blog," a year ago. 

"Line 1. Moving with confused steps, but if one is sincere, there is no blame.

The line indicates a situation in which a person, upon consulting the Sage, does not know how to interpret the counsel given. He therefore moves uncertainly. He would like to let go of his beliefs, but still feels a security in the attachment he has to them. “No blame” is saying that if he puts his established beliefs aside, he will be protected by the Cosmos, even if he makes a mistake. His sincerity will bring Cosmic Protection against the ill consequences of making mistakes.

Comment: The Sage knows about the mixed feelings we may have when counseled to detach from our habitual ways of thinking. It does not ask us to "believe" or to "trust" anything. However, we also cannot have a new experience by clutching to our established beliefs. The counsel is to temporarily suspend our disbelief. We do this by asking "the Helpers" (unspecific) to "temporarily suspend our disbelief." Making this request opens our mind just enough to allow for the experience of Cosmic help. It also allows the Cosmic Helpers to suspend any conscious or unconscious feelings of guilt we may have for following an untrodden path. Guilt, as the Sage has taught us, is not a true feeling, but a concept invented by the ego to hold us within the human-centered view. 

   What counts for the success of our undertaking is our sincerity.

"Line 3. [In the light of the setting sun, men either beat the pot and sing, or loudly bewail the approach of old age. Misfortune.]

He also needs to deprogram any preconceived images and beliefs about old age: that it is accompanied by sickness, debilitating diseases, suffering, the onset of deafness, blindness, helplessness, etc., since every belief about what “might” happen projects itself into reality."

Comment: Transferred onto the present situation with the virus, this is counsel to deprogram any scary images of suffering you hold, because, like all false images, they may project themselves into reality.  

"Line 4. Its coming is sudden, it flames up, dies down, is thrown away.

The straw fire that flames up, dies down and is thrown away can refer to glimpses of clarity that a person attains through his learning with the Sage. Because he does not inquire further, his understanding is only partial, and therefore he jumps to the false conclusion that what the Sage has said was not true."

Comment: We are being made aware of the danger of quickly glossing over the help the Sage has been offering us (see above), by listening to external sources of information coming from human experts. We need to keep in mind that even the best experts are themselves ridden by fears. 

"Line 6. The king uses him to march forth and chastise. Then it is best to kill the leaders and take captive the followers. No blame.”

“The king referred to is the Sage. The line informs a person that he is meant to be helped by the Sage in correcting the abuses of others through saying the inner No to their inappropriate actions and intentions, and through not participating himself in the evil being done.”

“Killing the leaders instead of the followers refers to saying the inner No to the central idea that is responsible for the problem. Deprogramming the central idea enables the Helpers to “kill” the followers (its supporting rationales)."

Comment: In this line the Sage addresses our possible desire to also help others realize that they, too, can draw on Cosmic help to bring themselves into harmony with the inner truth of the situation. How is this to be carried out? By arousing their inborn Inner Truth. (We remember that we all share our Inner Truth, also known as "DNA.") We do this by giving them the inner message that the virus can be stopped if every person withdraws from giving credence to the central mistaken idea that 'there is no help for the situation other than what the human authorities offer us.' 

Re: The question of getting vaccinated or not

The Sage counsels us not to look at this question as an "either/or" issue because doing so would create an inner conflict. When we include the invisible Helpers in our life, we can safely follow a rule pronounced by human authorities in order to outwardly conform. This is the meaning of "living in the Cosmic reality, while at the same time living in the parallel reality." 

Help for your deprogramming:

(Note: You can either say the inner "No" yourself, or ask the Sage to say it for you.)


"I inwardly say No, No, No, to the name 'corona virus' and 'any other names' used in the medical community.

" I inwardly say No, No, No, to the image of the virus, and to any scary images of suffering I hold."

"I ask the Cosmic Surgeon and the Helper of My Inner Truth to free me from that false name and any false images I hold."

(This is a one-time deprogramming procedure.)


"I inwardly say No, No, No, to, "There is no help for the situation other than what the authorities offer us."

"I inwardly ask the Cosmic Surgeon and the Cosmic Army to free me from that untruth."

"In addition, I ask the Helpers of Self-Healing of My Genes to destroy all the 'followers' of that mistaken idea."

(You need to repeat the deprogramming two more times, once per day.)

Finally, the Sage wants us to clearly understand that it is not saying, "It is okay to get vaccinated," if we do not care to prepare ourselves as described above.