A respectful goodbye to a sick tooth

   I was once again plagued by a terrible pain coming from a molar that has been causing pains for years. It has gone through quite a few dental treatments, and has been left open for some time now. Last night, I did not fall back into the usual expectation that I will, once again, have to suffer through a lot of pains and complicated, unsuccessful treatments.

   Instead, I asked the Sage to help me look into the cause of my suffering tooth. I was made aware of a poison arrow that was connected with a traumatic experience in utero. At the time of my mother’s pregnancy, she lived in the house of her in-laws, my paternal grandparents. I clearly remember how sad their condescending and malicious attitude toward my mother made me feel as a child. In consulting the I Ching I found that I had also received some of that venom while my mother was pregnant with me. The Sage helped me become aware of the following poison arrows: “She will never belong to us!” “Now our blood has been spoiled.” Although I deprogrammed these poison arrows, the pain persisted and become so unbearable that I had to use the dentist’s emergency room. They prescribed an antibiotic and a pain killer. 

I learned that once the situation has calmed down, the tooth will have to go, since there is hardly any substance of it left. In a brief meditation I got in touch with the Helper of this tooth. Our encounter ended with our saying a respectful goodbye to each other.

By Anna

Comment by Hanna: Anna’s experience shows that “healing” does not necessarily mean the restoration of anything, on the physical plane.

The next day, Anna wrote:

“I find it unique and most amazing when I look at the way the Sage chose to give me that experience. I received an appointment with the dental surgeon for tomorrow – normally, you don’t get it that soon. Everything went totally smooth.

Inspite of all the misfortune I am very relieved and can hardly believe the help I am experiencing. Since this morning, I have not felt the need to take a pain killer to ease the effect of the deep reaching infection. From my professional experience as a nurse I know that an antibiotic requires up to 48 hours before it takes effect. The Cosmic Dental Surgeon and the Cosmic Doctor are doing a wonderful job!”